Pelotonia's goal is to raise $40 million in the next 5 years to support the fight against cancer...
With a commitment to raise at least $2,000 each, Ben and I signed up and began raising money...
We knew riding 180 miles would be the easy part, but the fundraising had us worried...
Thanks to the VERY GENEROUS support of friends and family, we reached and surpassed our goal...
Here are our journals and photos from the road...
Pelotonia Begins...
Almost time...

Thank You!!!

At Slate Run...
Erin is waiting for Lance to catch up.
Erin is waiting for Lance to catch up.

30 miles down, 70 miles to go!
Thank You!

Time for donut holes. I ate a whole box. Lance ate 10...and a small child. By the way, how many of you are already sick of these?
Time for donut holes. I ate a whole box. Lance ate 10...and a small child. By the way, how many of you are already sick of these?

Near Logan...
Look at the traffic jam we caused! I had no idea all these people were coming out to see me.
Look at the traffic jam we caused! I had no idea all these people were coming out to see me.

70 miles down, 30 miles to go! Lake Logan rest stop. Up one BIG hill a while back. Legs are fatigued!
Thank you!

Anyone up for a swim? I have an announcement to make: I'm tired. 88 miles down...12 to go.
Anyone up for a swim? I have an announcement to make: I'm tired. 88 miles down...12 to go.

12 more flat miles to go! I'd know our average speed if my bike computer hadn't bounced out of the bracket and into Lake Logan! :-(



Not only did we make it, but the nice people at the Convocation Center fixed my room assignment so that I can share a room with Erin! Life is good!Thanks to all who donated!
Not only did we make it, but the nice people at the Convocation Center fixed my room assignment so that I can share a room with Erin! Life is good!Thanks to all who donated!
We've arrived in Athens - good ride! The party has already started, and we're looking forward to a restful evening before heading back to Columbus tomorrow! Thank you for your support of The James!

Here we go again...
I'd feel better about this 80 mile follow up if the organizers hadn't forgotten to get coffee. How can you forget the coffee?!?
See you in Cbus.
I'd feel better about this 80 mile follow up if the organizers hadn't forgotten to get coffee. How can you forget the coffee?!?
See you in Cbus.

80 miles to home!

Back in Logan...
For GORP and Gatorade. Last time we were here, Erin's bike computer fell off, hit the pavement, and bounced into Lake Logan. Today, I almost jumped in the lake and tried to swim for home. Erin stopped me. Still no sign of Lance (I think he only rode yesterday). But I did see Rick Nash, and in a fist fight, my money is on the Nasher.
For GORP and Gatorade. Last time we were here, Erin's bike computer fell off, hit the pavement, and bounced into Lake Logan. Today, I almost jumped in the lake and tried to swim for home. Erin stopped me. Still no sign of Lance (I think he only rode yesterday). But I did see Rick Nash, and in a fist fight, my money is on the Nasher.

Somewhere in the Hocking Hills...
I've been told we have 36 miles left. Even better, the biggest hills are behind us. Best of all, they have PBJ at this rest stop. But, what I could really go for is a Makers on the rocks.
I've been told we have 36 miles left. Even better, the biggest hills are behind us. Best of all, they have PBJ at this rest stop. But, what I could really go for is a Makers on the rocks.
Almost halfway home! They had no coffee this morning, but we've had plenty of energy to climb the hills nonetheless! Erin

The Finish Line
Done! They forgot to tell us that the final 20 miles would be uphill and into the wind. Oh well, to steal a line from my buddy Matt, "It sounds like hell, but then again, so is cancer." Thanks to everyone who donated. For those of you in the area, we'll see you next weekend at the after party.
Done! They forgot to tell us that the final 20 miles would be uphill and into the wind. Oh well, to steal a line from my buddy Matt, "It sounds like hell, but then again, so is cancer." Thanks to everyone who donated. For those of you in the area, we'll see you next weekend at the after party.
FINISHED!!! Thanks for your support!

1 comment:
I am so proud of you two! Loved re-living the experience vicariously. Thanks for sharing it with me! Love, Tish
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